Wednesday 2 May 2012

The adventher of Mr Staff

Mr Staff is a pencil who is very adventurist. He romse the class room 247, but there is a side of the class room where he and all of the aether pencil's can not go. It is the tehers corner it is controled by the RABERS. The pencills and rabers have bene fiting for senterreys.
One day Mr Staff went for a wolk thow the class room when he saw his franed Mr Pont geting pencill maped by three rabers, he was to afrade to fight them so he ran back to his villig and told there king what he saw. His king didind belev Mr Staff so he thort he stold go and help his him salf.

                                                             To Be Continued

1 comment:

  1. I love the beginning of this story. I am looking forward to reading what happens next.
